Stephanie's wedding dress that she wore to marry Test was on display
at WWFNY/The World before it closed
Stephanie is the second longest Women's Champ, second only to Fabulous
She held the title for four months, twenty-five days, twenty-two
hours, and forty-seven minutes
Stephanie's first ever match was on September 20th, 1999 with Test
against Jeff Jarrett and Debra
Stephanie was born in Hartford, CT but grew up in Greenwich, CT.
She now lives in New York City
Stephanie's family includes: Shane, Vince and Linda McMahon, Marissa
Mazola-McMahon, her uncle on Vince's side Rod, Pierre Clemont, better known as Pat Patterson, who is her godfather, Henry
and Evelyn Edwards, who are her grandparents on her mother's side, and Juanita and Vince McMahon, who are her grandparents
on her father's side
Stephanie has had four televised wedding ceremonies. The dark wedding
with Undertaker, the wedding to Test, the drive through wedding with HHH, and the wedding renewals with HHH
Stephanie got engaged to Triple H on Valentine's Day, 2003
Stephanie's other WWE jobs: Account Executive at the New York Sales
Offices, answered phones for Byte This!, worked in New Media, and even modelled clothes for the Shopzone ads in 1990.
Her current job behind the scenes is the head of the creative writing
Stephanie's first ever appearance on TV was at Rowdy Roddy Piper's
Halloween Party in 1985, when she was nine years old.
Her second appearance was on November 30th, 1998 where she passed
Stone Cold Steve Austin in a hallway
Stephanie has been at the side of wrestlers who are hurt, most notably
Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, and of course, HHH
Stephanie's favourite stores are Bebe and Guess?
Stephanie's favourite wrestler was Andre the Giant, who she appeared
in a People Magazine photo with after Wrestlemania 1
Stephanie loves to write
Stephanie has had arthroscopic surgery on one of her knees, and
needed more, but refused
Stephanie works through pain in her back, most notably in September
2000 when she hit the apron ackwardly
Steph's nickname in school was "Stephy", and her most vivid memory
was getting an egg in her face by her friends. New Kids on the Block reminds her most of her school years. Her best friends
at school include Amanda Case and Jessica Domiziano, and her biggest influence by a teacher was her kindergarten teacher,
Ms. Keppel
She convinced her parents to take a one-week vacation to Ireland
after high school
Stephanie has a pet cat named Lucy, and she likes cars, and she
wants to be successful
She considers family extremely important, and would love to have
kids one day
Stephanie was on Tough Enough 1 3 times.
Stephanie and Test's wedding song is on Anthology, it is also the
song they used for Macho Man Randy Savage and Elizabeth's Wedding
Stephanie loves to play the "circle game", as highlighted on Tough
Enough 1
Stephanie was the sideline reporter for the XFL, but only appeared
in one game
Stephanie and Linda used to dance in the kitchen to 50's music
Stephanie actually likes being called a "slut" because it means
she is doing her job right (as a heel)
The Steph/Kurt/HHH love triangle was thought of as the storyline
of the year in 2000
Stephanie got breast implants over the summer of 2001 during her
role as the owner of ECW
Stephanie was voted "America's Best Wrestling Personality" by Time
Jerry Lawler thinks Stephanie is very attractive and can look very
Stephanie's favourite movie is Princess Bride
Stephanie's favourite actress is Lucille Ball, and her favourite
actor is Jack Nicholson
Stephanie's favourite author is Stephen King, and any book by him
is among her favourites
Stephanie's favourite city to visit is Boston
Stephanie's favourite type of music is soul
Stephanie's favourite sport besides wrestling is football
Stephanie is one of only two divas to be married and divorced on
screen. The other was the late Miss Elizabeth
Stephanie is one of a few divas who can say they have never been
put through a table by the Dudley Boys. It is rumoured that she wanted to take a table bump, but was not allowed.
Stephanie's wedding day is October 25th, 2003.
The dates of Stephanie's on screen weddings are: April 26th, 1999,
November 28th, 1999 November 29th, 1999, and February 11th, 2002.
Stephanie is the only female to pin the Rock.
Stephanie wanted to be a choreographer when she was younger, but
because of her shot knees, she had to give that up.
For Christmas 2001, Stephanie bought Triple H framed photos of EVERY
Mr. Olympia winner, which he keeps in his gym.
Stephanie and Triple H were married onscreen for 804 days.
Stephanie can be seen on camera in the crowd briefly on Wrestlemania
14. She is sitting with Linda and what appears to be an old boyfriend maybe, and also some friends.
Stephanie's favourite book is "Color Purple" by Alice Walker.
Her favourite book as a child was "Sleeping Beauty" by Norman McGary.
The bridesmaids that were used at Steph's wedding to Test were her
actual friends from school.
Stephanie said that at her real wedding she is going to have the
friends that she had at her wedding to Test as the bridesmaids.
Stephanie is the only woman to be put in the position of General
Manager on either show.
Stephanie has been on two TV shows in her career. Tough Enough,
and the Weakest Link.
Stephanie and Christopher Nowinski share the same birthday.
Stephanie wears glasses.
The McMahons used to have a black lab named Star that puked so much
Linda had to get rid of it. They also had a wert highland terrier named Buster and two bull mastiffs. (Thanks, Jenn!)
Stephanie's name means Crown in Greek.
Stephanie was once in the audience of Prime Time Wrestling in the
early 90's